Yeah like the type of stars he used too in the curves, just like the arson handstyles, the shit halo, and pish underlines followed by a crap curvey star on the left... haha. AMAZING.
canny beat complainin about other cunts graff online! if yev nothin nice tae say keep it tae yerself! constructive criticism yes, bitchin and moanin, no!
power hanstyle is a beast
Yeah like the type of stars he used too in the curves, just like the arson handstyles, the shit halo, and pish underlines followed by a crap curvey star on the left... haha. AMAZING.
Calm doon! its no the best o handys but the we cunts been smashin shit recently! so shut it!
good to see some ves shit again
never dub is cute
power handstyle is meaty. like the akme stars in it aswell. ill second that hes been SMASHING shit recently! big ups
stop bitchin like wee girls and go out and write on shit.
canny beat complainin about other cunts graff online! if yev nothin nice tae say keep it tae yerself! constructive criticism yes, bitchin and moanin, no!
S0rry Pow3r, you$ a k1ng supArhero graffrit3r l0lz
Akme stars?
Ha ha fuck me glasgow graff is for the mentally retarded
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